viernes, 3 de diciembre de 2010

Talking about abilities

Here are some words and phrases for talking about abilities in English.

  • Can - I can swim 100 meters.

  • Do - Do you cook? Yes I do.

  • Be good at. - He's good at ping pong.

  • Know how to - You really know how to throw a party.

    1. Can you play the piano?
    2. How about the guitar?
    3. Can Billy ride a bike?
    4. Does Abby speak Mandarin?
    5. Do you sing?
    6. Is Connie good at dancing?
    7. Do you know how to use a computer?
    Yes, but not very well.
    (I can play) a little.
    No, he can't. He's too young.
    Yes, she speaks very well.
    Not really. I have no talent in that area.
    Yes, she's a great dancer.
    Of course!

  • Describing routine activities

    to wake up despertarse
    to get up levantarse
    to go to the bathroom ir al baño
    to have a shower ducharse
    to have a bath bañarse
    to wash one's face lavarse la cara
    to brush one's teeth cepillarse los dientes
    to brush one's hair cepillarse el cabello
    to comb one's hair peinarse
    to have breakfast desayunar
    to read the paper leer el periódico
    to listen to the radio escuchar la radio
    to watch TV mirar televisión
    to go to work ir a trabajar
    to go to school ir a la escuela
    to study estudiar
    to read a book leer un libro
    to use the computer usar la computadora
    to play with the computer jugar con la computadora
    to chat charlar
    to send an email enviar un email
    to phone a friend llamar a un amigo por teléfono
    to cook cocinar
    to make dinner preparar la cena
    to have dinner cenar
    to set/lay the table poner la mesa
    to clear the table levantar la mesa
    to do the dishes lavar los platos
    to go to bed ir a la cama
    to sleep dormir
    to dream soñar  

    Talking about ecoturism


    Español Inglés
    aerobic aerobics
    ajedrez chess
    alpinismo mountaineering
    artes marciales martial arts
    atletismo athletics
    automovilismo motor racing
    badminton badminton
    baloncesto basket, basketball
    balonmano handball
    béisbol baseball
    billar americano pool
    billar (3 bolas) billiards
    billar (22 bolas) snooker
    bolos skittles, bowling
    boxeo boxing
    carreras de caballos horse-racing
    ciclismo cycling
    dardos darts
    esgrima fencing
    esquí skiing
    esquí náutico/acuático water-skiing
    equitación horseriding
    footing (anglicismo) jogging
    fórmula 1 Formula One
    fútbol football, soccer (usa)
    fútbol americano American football
    fútbol sala five-a-side football
    gimnasia rítmica rhythm gymnastics
    gimnasia artística artistic gymnastics
    golf golf
    halterofilia weightlifting
    karate karate
    judo judo
    motociclismo motorcycling
    natación swimming
    ping-pong ping-pong, table tennis
    hípica riding
    hockey hielo ice hockey
    hockey hierba field hockey
    petanca pétanque
    lucha libre wrestling
    patinaje skating
    patinaje sobre hielo ice skating
    patinaje artístico (sobre hielo) figure skating
    patinaje sobre ruedas roller skating
    patinaje de velocidad speed skating
    pesas (levantamiento) weightlifting
    piragüismo canoeing
    remo rowing
    rugby rugby
    submarinismo scuba diving
    tenis tennis
    tiro con arco archery
    triatlón triathlon
    vela sailing
    voleibol volleyball
    waterpolo water polo
    deporte sport
    competición competition
    competidor competitor
    eliminatorias qualifying round, qualifying competition
    final final
    juegos olímpicos Olympic Games
    medallas medals
    partido match
    participantes entrants
    semi-finales semi-final

    Describing personality

    -hello my name is gio-hi gio deceased? 
    -I come at work-very well, and like your personality?
    -because I am shy, quiet, moodyand unsentimentalwell see what we can do

    English Spanish
    cheerful alegre, jovial;
    kind amable
    ambitious ambicioso
    friendly amigable, simpático, agradable
    cantankerous cascarrabias
    cowardly cobarde
    sympathetic (understanding) comprensivo
    conservative conservador
    conventional convencional
    talkative conversador, hablador
    flirtatious coqueta
    polite cortés, educado
    big-headed creído, engreído
    cruel cruel
    de actitud abierta, sin prejuicios
    de mentalidad cerrada, intolerante;
    moody de humor cambiante
    bitchy de mala leche, venenoso;
    careless descuidado, poco cuidadoso
    carefree despreocupado
    trustworthy digno de confianza
    argumentative, quarrelsome discutidor
    selfish egoísta
    charming encantador
    strict estricto, severo, riguroso
    two-faced falso
    reliable: he’s a very reliable person fiable, confiable: es una persona en la que se puede confiar
    loyal fiel
    generous generoso
    honest honesto
    naive ingenuo, inocentón
    crazy, nuts loco, chiflado
    bad-tempered malhumorado
    naughty (children) malo, travieso (niños)
    modest modesto
    proud orgulloso
    lazy perezoso, vago
    annoying pesado
    conceited, full of oneself presumido
    cautious prudente, cauteloso, cauto;
    weird raro, extraño
    self-confident: to be self-confident seguro de sí mismo: tener confianza en sí mismo
    sensible sensato, prudente;
    sensitive sensible
    dull, boring soso, aburrido
    mean tacaño
    stubborn terco, testarudo, tozudo
    hard-working trabajador
    laid-back tranquilo, relajado
    shy - introverted tímido, vergonzoso - introvertido
    brave valiente

    Talking about likes and dislikes

    If you love something

    "I love eating ice-cream."
    "I adore soccer."

    If you like something a lot

    "She's fond of chocolate."
    "I like swimming very much."

    If you like something

    "He quite likes going to the cinema."
    "I like cooking."

    If you neither like nor dislike something

    "I don't mind doing the housework."

    If you don't like something

    "She doesn't like cooking very much."
    "He's not very fond of doing the gardening."
    "I dislike wasting time."

    If you really dislike something

    "I don't like sport at all."
    "He can't stand his boss."
    "She can't bear cooking in a dirty kitchen."
    "I hate crowded supermarkets."
    "He detests being late."
    "She loathes celery."

    Describing people

    Tall (alto) —— Short (bajo)Describing people
    medium height (Average height) —— estatura promedio

    How tall is Mary Pimm?
    - She’s 1.60 meters tall. She is medium height.
    And Tom?
    - He’s 1.48 meters tall. He’s very short.
    • Weight – Peso

    Thin/slim —— delgado(a)
    Fat / Overweight —— Gordo(a)
    Medium weight (average weight)

    Vocabulario en ingles
    • Hair- Cabello

    Length of hair (Tamano del cabello) – 
    Short —— corto
    Vocabulario ingles espanol
    long —— largo
    Wavy —— ondeado
    striaght —– lacio
    curly —– frizado
    • Face and head

    Skin color (color de piel)
    White /fair —— blanco
    Dark / black —— Oscuro / negro
    Olive skin —— Piel trigueñ+a
    Beard —— barba
    moustache —— bigote
    Examples (look at the figure):
    describir personas en ingles
    -Sally has dark skin and black curly hair. (We can also say “Sally is black”)
    -Polly has white skin and long straight hair. (We can also say “Polly is white”)
    -Billy has a long beard.
    - Harry has a mustache.
    We can use the verb to have to describe skin color, to say if a person has a beard or mustache and to describe hair.
    - Will Smith has dark skin
    - My father has a long beard

    WHat are they like? (¿Cómo son ellos?) 
    vocabulario de inglesdescripcion
    1) Suzanna has white skin long blond hair and is pretty.
    2 Jeff is white and has a beard.
    3) Caroline has long hair and is very tall.
    4) Dick has long brown hair and a mustache.

    Asking and answering about age

    how old are you? I am 12 years old
    how old is he? he is 22 years old
    how old is she? she is 44 years old
    how old are FELIX and LUPITA? they are 34 years old
    When is your birthday?
    August 8th...and when is your birthday?
    Is in september 30th...ok see you later.


    Carpenter = Carpintero
    Waiter = Mozo
    Mechanic = Mecánico
    Bus Driver = Chofer de bus
    Singer = Cantante
    Engineer = Ingeniero
    Lawyer = Abogado
    Sailor = Marinero
    Teacher = Profesor
    Receptionist = Recepcionista
    Secretary = Secretaria
    Fireman = Bombero
    Actor = Actor